How do I access the Overdrive/Libby E-book library?
Unlimited members of and have access to our library of E-books powered by Overdrive! If a course has copies of the book available on Overdrive, you will see a listing in the "Materials" section of the course page with a button that says "Borrow From Library":
Clicking on the "Borrow From Library" button will show a popup page with an email and ID number to borrow the book via our library. Take note of this email and ID number and click "Open E-book library":
Once you click the "Open E-Book Library" button, you will be taken to the Overdrive book page. There you will either be able to loan the book immediately, or place a hold to be notified when the book is available for loan. Here's what loaning a book looks like: If all copies of an E-book are in use, you will have the option to place a hold to be next in line to borrow the E-book. In this case, the "Borrow" button will be replaced with "Place a hold" and you will be prompted to enter your email to be notified when the E-book is available for use.
To learn more and purchase our Unlimited Package, click on this link!
Questions? Comments?
We're here to help. Contact us using the Help icon at bottom-right of the page, call our live support at 541-833-0087 M-F 7:00 AM PST - 4:00 PM PST or use the Contact Us button under the Resources tab!