Team Summary

Upon setting up your team, you'll be directed to your Summary page. This page provides an overview, including:

Team Logo

Here you can upload a team logo to be displayed on your team member's account dashboards. 

Team Info

Invoices and general team administration emails will be sent here.


A list of all Owner, Admin, and Staff users. 


Assign Seats Automatically: 

When this option is enabled, whenever a user joins your team a seat will be assigned to them automatically if a seat is available. With this option disabled, users who join will be added to the team, but will not be assigned a seat to take courses. 

Renew Seats Automatically:

When this option is enabled, when a user's seat expires, a new seat will be automatically assigned to them from your existing open seat pool. If no seats are available, this will not invoice or charge your team for additional seats. 


An overview of your current seats used, open seats ready to be assigned, and a button to purchase additional seats.

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